

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Jan 15

Always be on time.
Be the best you can be
Calm down before you say something that you might regret.
Dinner with your family is important!
Everybody must learn to be a moose.
Fish food should not be eaten by people.
Give everyone a chance to shine!
Help those in need.
If life gives you lemons, return them because they were probably stolen!
Just keep swimming!
Keep your distance from kangaroos.
Life is worth living every moment of everyday!
Make cookies for the cookie-less.
No one cares more about you, then me!
Open your life for new adventure!
Perfect people do not live in the real world!
Quietness is the key to not getting kicked out of the library.
Run to the finish line, don't just stare at it!
Sing when no one else will!
Time flies whether you want it to or not, make the most out of it!
Umbrellas make an excellent gift no matter what.
Very nice people will always be in your life!
Weather should never stop you from doing what you want.
X-rays aren't something to be afraid of.
Yelling never helps
Zoning out of class, will get you in trouble!

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