

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Jan 29

Blog Post of the Day:
What is a website wireframe? Explain. If you don't know what it is, look it up. Find an image online to place on your blog that represents a website wireframe and how they work.

A wireframe is like a page layout of content and you can organize where you want everything to be using a wireframe. People use it to help make there content organized and look just how they want.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Jan 27

Blog Post of the Day:

Finish this sentence "10 years from now I will be...."

Hopefully out of college and getting a job in psychology! I also hope that I moved from my home state and staying somewhere close to my family outside of the U.S. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Jan 26

This weekend I volunteered with my friend. We helped with painting a ceiling and organizing materials. Always fun...anyway then my dad and I watch some Fools and Horses and we made some vegetable soup. Yay!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Jan 23

The music for this generation is not even really that good! Older music is better because there was no base in the back but instruments and great singers! Plus the world needs to stop with saying hash tag while they talk to people!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Jan 22

For me, I think the hardest part about Web Design is remembering all the codes. I know that the most frustrating thing is when there is something wrong with my code and nothing is working, and I don't know what is wrong or how to fix it! So that gives me some anxiety. Plus I think this class can go a little fast sometimes so if you fall behind, its really hard to catch up, especially if something else goes wrong and you fall more behind. I don't really think I am great at this class so far but I'm going to keep trying and hopefully it will become easier as I go, in this semester. :) 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Jan 20

My 3 day weekend! On Saturday, I did some volunteer service with my friend all day. Then on Sunday, I had lunch with my mom at one of our favorite restaurants. Then on Monday, my mom and I played board games and watched Sherlock on Netflix.   

Friday, January 16, 2015

Jan 16

Hello! I'm a freshmen right now and this year has been really weird. This year I joined the Gender Equality Club, which I love so much! <3. This year I was finding out a little more about who I am and what I think I want to do as a career. For example, after taking an art class that involved drawing and painting, I realized I don't have much of a career in this area because I came to the realization that I don't have a lot of skill in this area. But it hasn't been a total loss! Some of my favorite classes so far have been a class I am taking on healthy life style and food choices. I can't wait for next year, because hopefully I can take a class in photography and in sociology. :)   

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Jan 15

Always be on time.
Be the best you can be
Calm down before you say something that you might regret.
Dinner with your family is important!
Everybody must learn to be a moose.
Fish food should not be eaten by people.
Give everyone a chance to shine!
Help those in need.
If life gives you lemons, return them because they were probably stolen!
Just keep swimming!
Keep your distance from kangaroos.
Life is worth living every moment of everyday!
Make cookies for the cookie-less.
No one cares more about you, then me!
Open your life for new adventure!
Perfect people do not live in the real world!
Quietness is the key to not getting kicked out of the library.
Run to the finish line, don't just stare at it!
Sing when no one else will!
Time flies whether you want it to or not, make the most out of it!
Umbrellas make an excellent gift no matter what.
Very nice people will always be in your life!
Weather should never stop you from doing what you want.
X-rays aren't something to be afraid of.
Yelling never helps
Zoning out of class, will get you in trouble!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Jan 13

My thoughts for this class, is that its hard for me personally because i havn't really coded anything before. So its challenging trying to remember all the codes I know so far like for pictures and links. But overall, I like this class and I think its really interesting class. However, I don't like the idea of having people look at my blog because I really don't like my picture.  

Monday, January 12, 2015

Jan 12

I spent the weekend with my dad. On Saturday, my dad and I had brunch and went to see the movie Wild. Then, my dad's girlfriend came over and we played board games together. On Sunday, My dad and I video chatted with my family across the sea in England and we watched some T.V shows together like The Daily Show and The Big Bang Theory.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Jan 9

My five subjects that I would get an A in on my imaginary report card would be
Video Games A+
Sewing B
Sleeping A
Math B
Acting D


Hello! This is my first time using my blog for school. Yay!