

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 28

In class, we were told to read an article that our teacher gave us. After reading this article, I was to write what I thought about it. I really liked this article and I think man students should read it too. I know that in some classes I have, I see a lot of students not doing their work and simply not caring about anything they do. I understand that sometimes it feels like school work can be to challenging but the truth is that its not. These students are just quitting because they think they will never need this information or they just don't care. It's time to start caring!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

April 14

This weekend, I went to saw my grandmother. When I arrived, we started to talk and she told me about how her ipad was broken. She said that her mail wasn't working and she was not getting any messages from Facebook and she couldn't figure out her Apple ID or password. So I told her to go to the app store and start to download an app. The store asked for the password and it also told us her apple ID at the top so I was able to reset her password and get that working. Then we moved on to the messages. She just needed to download the new Messenger for Facebook and then suddenly she was getting all these messages that were sent to her. Then lastly was her email. I reset her password and we were able to get her in. I kid you not, she had over 7,000 emails. So the rest of the night was basically my grandmother deleting her emails. So that was fun.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

April 9

Blog Post of the Day:
Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Elaborate on why you agree or disagree.

If images are on the internet they should be "free game". 

No, because people post photos to show the world and for people to see. It's not okay to claim a photo as yours, if you didn't make it. However, if you edit the photo and turn it into a different photo, I think its okay to call it your photo as long as you say that you edited this photo from another person. I think it would be okay, but no one can just claim a photo to be theirs if it's not. That would be the same as plagiarism. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April 7

Today I got to see my classmates websites. I really liked Photoshop was used with some websites. I know how hard Photoshop can be sometimes and my classmates did really well. Another thing I likes is how when you scroll across the nav bar the words you have your mouse over become bigger. That is something I would have wanted on my website. I also like how some students programmed a picture to stay in one place as you scroll up and down on the wen site and I think that made their website more impressive. That is also something I would have wanted to include on my website. I wasn't totally satisfied with my website because some of my text boxes were off centered.  I also would make my font bigger if I had more time. I really liked this assignment though because I think its really important to practice making resumes for colleges and jobs in the future.